
Showing posts with the label E.coli

How to avoid E.coli bacterial infection in poultry farms. ?

  How to avoid E.coli bacterial infection in poultry farms. ?   E.coli is one of the major crises in poultry farms. E. coli is a bacterial infection.This is a chance seeking bacteria in poultry sheds.If the immunity of the chickens is slightly reduced or When the level of E. coli bacteria increases in Drinking water ,it   become infectectious. 90% of E. coli infections are caused by   non- sanitized water. E. Coli bacteria infect more than half of flock and cause a rapid increase in mortality.Chickens that do not die will   not grow properly   and do not reach the sales live weight.Otherwise the feed conversion capacity will be significantly reduced and more feed will be required for growth. How can this be prevented ?? If you pay close attention to the following, We can protect our chickens from E. coli bacteria. Water is the major   nutrient for chickens. Poultry need water water than expensive soya protein, maize and starter feed .Chickens drink 2.5 times as much water a