Why Broiler Birds grow faster?

 Why Broiler Birds grow faster?

 From the origin of broiler chickens to the present...

There is no meat eater who does not eat broiler chicken...The broiler farming sector continues to grow amidst a lot of accusations, allegations and bad publicity ...All over world ...

How much Broiler grow in 42 days?


Broiler chickens weigh up to 2.200 kg in 42 days. If 3.6 kg of feed is given, it will weigh 2.200 kg in 42 days. There are many strains grow more but this is a international average. Feeding of 1.6 to 1.7 kg is sufficient to get one kg of chicken weight.

This type of meat production is made possible by the genetic capacity of the broiler chickens and the quality of the feed provided.

 Rise of Broiler chicken/ History

In the first half of the 20th century in the 1920s, hybrids of two species, White Plymouth Rock & White Cornish, succeeded in developing high-yielding chicks. In addition to egg production, these breeds were also proven capable of meat production.....These hybrids are bred on selected farms only by those who have high meat production and feed conversion capacity .It was easy to find the parents having a genetic capacity to produce chicks with high feed conversion capacity, because the hatching time needed for chicken is only 21 days ,then only 7-8 weeks to grow mature.Now it is only 6 weeks


The hatchlings have higher meat production and feed conversion capacity and retain only their mother hen and Rooster ...The broiler chickens we see today originated as a result of the repetition of this process over the decades.

Select Chicks with high Feed conversion capacity and Meat production capacity.Keep these chicks in Farm and their parents repeating this process millions of time.


Current status.


These types of birds with high meat production capacity and feed conversion capacity are called as “Pure line”. The mother hen and her Rooster are known as the "pure line", thus enhancing the meat production and feed conversion capacity by keeping these and gain selection.These are state-of-the-art

These pure lines are Protected in specially equipped AC sheds with biosecurity (non-infectious) systems. Companies invest so much because their genetic makeup is so valuable ...

 There are many types of pure line in world developed by many companies.

All of them have different feed conversion capabilities and different meat production capabilities.


Meat production capacity, feed conversion capacity and immunity are different in all varieties..



Chicken parents devolped like this will not take directly for meat production we will produce maximum hatching egg from this ,without loosing their genetic value.for this purpose we make 5 generations from this parents called Pureline,Great grand parent,Grand parents,Parents,Commercial Broiler

Hatching Eggs in Parents Farm

 1.Pure Line.

2.Great Grand parents

3.Grand Parents


5.Commercial Broiler.

 Pure Line Chickens.

 Developed by research and kept in High biosecurity farms. These are the assets of Chicken breedeing companies ,They will not sell this pureline outsie. It is used for Hatching eggs of Great Grand Parents.egg production,

 Great‌ Grant Parents (GGP)

Next Generation from pureline . Some companies sell this, the cost is very high

Raised under the same strict biosecurity.It is used for Hatching production of Grand Parents.The hatchlings are re-raised for grandchildren called Grandparents (GP).The hatchlings from Grand parents are known as parents (breeders).We can see many parent farms throughout the world.Commercial broilers come Broiler farms with hatched chicks from their parents' farm.

AC/EC Parents Farm

Broiler Parent Farm

A commercial broiler Chick costs Rs 25-30 while a parent baby Chicks cost Rs 250-300.Although GP, GGP and Pureline are not sold in the public market, still you  can only imagine the value of a pureline chicken ...

The 5th generation, commercial broiler  is used for meat production as the genetic capacity decreases after 5 generations.

Broiler Parents in Deep Litter System

The other 4 generations are used to produce Hatching eggs of their next generations , although the production capacity and feed conversion capacity are the same.This will enable the production of much more commercial broiler chicks and Hatching Eggs.It is clear from this that if broiler chickens are fed enough feed for using for egg production, it will produce eggs. And Broiler chicken grows faster  not because of hormones but because of the its genetic capacity of Meat production and feed conversion capacity developed by crossing and selection.

Open Shed- Parents Farm

The Cows 10 L milk now giving more than 50.The hen which lays 100 eggs in a year lays 300 eggs in a year and the coconut and flour which were mature in 5-8 years are mature in 2 years.


We can read further that after steam engines and coal engines came electric trains and petrol cars and now we are going after electric cars.


Everything is the play  of the human brain ...


Dr.Abdu Rauoof P



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